Bohemian Bungalows and Gypsy Caravans!

What would I do to escape reality in one of these with my love and lose myself in nomadic world exploration? A LOT of things! *sigh* In the meantime I have my dreams and music....
"Carry me Caravan take me away
Take me to Portugal, take me to Spain
Andalusia with fields full of grain
I have to see you again and again
Take me, Spanish Caravan
Yes, I know you can
Trade winds find Galleons lost in the sea
I know where treasure is waiting for me
Silver and gold in the mountains of Spain
I have to see you again and again
Take me, Spanish Caravan
Yes, I know you can"
Spanish Caravan by The Doors
"Carry me Caravan take me away
Take me to Portugal, take me to Spain
Andalusia with fields full of grain
I have to see you again and again
Take me, Spanish Caravan
Yes, I know you can
Trade winds find Galleons lost in the sea
I know where treasure is waiting for me
Silver and gold in the mountains of Spain
I have to see you again and again
Take me, Spanish Caravan
Yes, I know you can"
Spanish Caravan by The Doors

(All images in this post were sourced from the internet.)