Color Inspiration Injection!

I had to take the day off from work yesterday to attend the orientation and walk-through for my new apartment downtown... What an exhausting mission! I won't even get into it... The point is, today is my Monday and I need some inspiration to get me through the rest of the week... which won't be too long since I am taking off Friday because that's the day of the big move! U-Haul loading Thursday night... joy.
I am definitely more anxious than ever before and I can't wait to get it all moved so I can begin unpacking and designing/decorating my next blank canvas! Right now my mind is fixated on color! Paint colors that is... The possibilities are endless! There is a soffit in my new place that turns into a small wall which I am fairly sure I want to paint a rich earthy curry mustard yellow color... I'm not sure where to slap on the turquoise yet. Hmmm....
Anyway, here is a random slew of beautiful and inspiring images of various spaces, all of which have a striking element of color, if not several! My mind is in planning overdrive therefore expect more posts today! Ha! Enjoy!

I am definitely more anxious than ever before and I can't wait to get it all moved so I can begin unpacking and designing/decorating my next blank canvas! Right now my mind is fixated on color! Paint colors that is... The possibilities are endless! There is a soffit in my new place that turns into a small wall which I am fairly sure I want to paint a rich earthy curry mustard yellow color... I'm not sure where to slap on the turquoise yet. Hmmm....
Anyway, here is a random slew of beautiful and inspiring images of various spaces, all of which have a striking element of color, if not several! My mind is in planning overdrive therefore expect more posts today! Ha! Enjoy!

(All images via Google Image Search, Flickr, WeHeartIt,, Design*Sponge, House of Turquoise or Apartment Therapy)